- Shows a typical message exchange for this service. 顯示了服務的一個典型的消息交換。
- Supports XML message exchange between the portal and the legacy application. 支持門戶和舊式應用程序之間的XML消息交換。
- The processes and services in the system use the data elements as part of their message exchange. 系統中的流程與服務將資料元素作為它們之間訊息交換的一部分。
- Next, the consuming Web service implements the Notify message exchange by registering with a producing Web service. 接著,消費Web服務透過向生產Web服務註冊實行了Notify訊息交換。
- This optimization allows the endpoints to establish corresponding RM Sequences with a single message exchange pair. 這種優化允許端點通過一個單一的消息交換對創建響應的RM序列。
- A synchronous message exchange protocol is the easier approach to implement and has the least impact on the service provider environment. 同步消息交換協議更容易實現,對服務提供者環境的影響也最小。
- An asynchronous message exchange protocol is the more difficult approach to implement and can have more impact on the service provider environment. 非同步消息交換協議更難實現,對服務提供者環境的影響也更大。
- This loose coupling is mandatory in environments where the simultaneous updating of all parties in the message exchange is not possible. 在不可能同時更新消息交換中所有方的環境中,這種松耦合是強制的。
- This problem can be solved-by the design and implementation of the message exchange platform between repeaters and the monitoring system. 通過直放站設備與網管系統信息交換平台的設計與實現,解決了這個問題。
- The army was demoralized by defeat. 軍隊因戰敗而士氣消沉。
- Choreography focuses on message exchange, all involved services are aware of their partners and when to invoke operations. 編排的重點是信息交流,所有參與的服務都知道到哪些是自己的同組以及何時啟動調用操作。
- The enemy army crumpled up under our attacks. 敵軍在我軍的攻擊下垮了。
- The second problem identified in the logging service example was the blocking of the service requestor process as a result of the synchronous message exchange protocol. 登錄服務例子中發現的第二個問題是同步消息交換協議阻塞了服務請求者的處理。
- A cryptosystem utilizes the properties of discrete logs in finite groups, either in a public key message exchange or in a key exchange and generation protocol. 加密系統在公鑰消息交換或密鑰交換及協議生成中利用有限組中的離散對數屬性。
- Soldiers wear mufti on leave, not uniform. 士兵度假時穿便服,不穿制服。
- He tends to idealize his life in the army. 他總想使自己在軍隊里的生活理想化。
- The committee released an extense massage exchage instant message exchange in whick to which 2 Standard &poor's employers discuss Poor's employees discussed a deal last year. 委員會公布了一份即時信息交流記錄,在這份記錄中2位標準普爾的僱員在去年討論的一項交易。
- The army won a miraculous victory over a much stronger enemy. 這支軍隊擊敗了比他們強大得多的敵軍,贏得了奇迹般的勝利。
- The new president carried out a purge of disloyal army officers. 新總統對不忠誠的陸軍軍官進行了一次整肅。
- The army was disbanded when the war came to an end. 戰爭結束時,軍隊即被解散。