- Arab scam 阿拉伯故事
- Many Asians work in the Arab oil states. 許多亞洲人在阿拉伯產油國工作。
- Their scam was selling fake Chinese medicine to old people. 他們的騙局是賣假中藥給老人。
- The Arab residents went on strike and closed up all shops. 阿拉伯居民繼續罷市,所有的店鋪都關閉了。
- I must read up on Arab customs before I go to Bahrain. 在去巴林之前我必須先弄懂、熟記阿拉伯人的習慣和規矩。
- You must not scam or deceive other players. 你不能設騙局或欺騙其他的玩家。
- One who is favorably disposed toward Arab concerns and policies. 阿拉伯(民族)主義者非常關注阿拉伯事務及政策的人
- What first put the police onto the scam? 警方當初怎麼得知這個騙局的?
- The biggest scam is probably @late trading. 最大的醜聞可能就是「過時交易」了。
- The Arab fell at his feet and kissed them. 阿拉伯人拜倒在他的腳下,吻著他的雙腳。
- D.C.: No, it's not. Scam is lusting. 蒂斯:才不是!「故事」是有顏色的。
- Embassy of the Arab Republic of Egypt? 阿拉伯埃及共和國大使館?
- Ben: Mike, your scam didn't work. 本:邁克,這個辦法行不通。
- The governing of Arab tribes is a tricky business. 管理阿拉伯族人是一件奸詐的工作。
- Bill lost a lot of money in a business scam. 比利在一樁商業詐欺案中賠了很多錢。
- Embassy of the Untied Arab Emirates? 阿拉伯聯合大公國?
- Ben was taken in by a scam artist. 班被一位詐騙專家給騙了。
- Tanner yanked the gun free of the Arab. 坦納把槍從阿拉伯人手中扯過來。
- Few pity the dupes who fall for this scam. 這些上當受騙的可憐蟲不值得同情。
- The Arab stopped and pitched in the desert. 這個阿拉伯人停下來,然後在沙漠中搭起帳篷。