- Here's some remarkable close up footage of a cyanea octopus going hunting. 這裡是霞水母章魚在捕獵時令人驚訝的近鏡頭。
- A small common finch (Passerina cyanea) of North and Central America, the male of which has deep blue plumage. 靛藍鹀:一種常見的雀科小鳴鳥(小麻雀屬靛藍彩鹀)產於中北美洲,雄鳥具有深藍色的羽毛
- Let's say you're a cyanea octopus and you don't care for the burgundy red color of your skin. 假設你是一隻霞水母章魚而你並不關心你的皮膚是否呈現酒紅色。
- The strobilization rate was found to be 100% in both Rhopilema esculenta and Aurelia aurita, while both Cyanea nozakii and Nemopilema nomurai had null of strobilization. 在相同的生態環境下,觀察了這4種螅狀體的橫裂生殖,其橫裂生殖率:海蜇100%25、海月水母100%25、白色霞水母0%25、沙海蜇0%25。
- Cicerbita cyanea Beauv. 藍錫莎菊
- Cicerbita cyanea(D.don)Beauv. 藍錫莎菊
- A scyphozoan jellyfish of the genus Cyanea, especially the largest jellyfish, C. arctica, which usually grows to more than 3.6 meters (12 feet) wide and has tentacles over 30 meters (100 feet) long. 海蜇:一種霞水母屬真水母,尤指最大型的水母北極水母,通常可以長到3.;6米(12英尺)寬,觸鬚能夠達到30多米(100英尺)長
- Aoria cyanean. 藍厚緣肖葉甲
- Tissue Culture and Rapid Propagation of Tillandsia cyanea 鐵蘭的組織培養和快速繁殖
- Keywords Cyanea capillata;jellyfish venom;hemolytic activity; 發形霞水母;水母毒素;溶血活性;
- Preliminary research on Cyanea nozakii bycatch reduction device in stownet fishery 張網漁具霞水母兼捕減少裝置的初步研究
- Keywords Cyanea capillata;nematocyst venom;tentacle-only extract of jellyfish;haemolysis activity; 發形霞水母;刺絲囊毒素;無刺絲囊觸手提取物;溶血活性;
- Aoria antennatan. 黑紅腹厚緣肖葉甲
- Aoria nucean. 栗厚緣肖葉甲
- Aorian. 厚緣肖葉甲屬
- Aoria annulipesn. 黑紅足厚緣肖葉甲
- Aoria bowringiin. 黑斑厚緣肖葉甲
- Aoria carinatan. 脊鞘厚緣肖葉甲
- Aoria cosatan. 脊厚緣肖葉甲
- Aoria gracilicornisn. 細角厚緣肖葉甲