- The pattern of Andersen』s fairy tale narration is emphatically discussed and summarized in this article by using some related theories of Narratology. 首先,本文認為安徒生站在成人的立場,藉助童話的「兒童」視角觀察世界萬物、訴說難以言說的信仰和追求,深刻地關注人的複雜生活。
- Many of Ander-sen』s fairy tales tell us:We will gain happiness in life after suffering. 安徒生的很多童話告訴我們:在經受苦難之後會得到幸福。
- He makes the concourse between Chinese fairy tale and international children"s literature , promotes the process of localization and modernization of Chinese children"s fairy tale. 他促成了中國童話與世界兒童文學的合流,推進了中國兒童文學的本土化和現代化進程。
- Andersen s fairy tales 安徒生童話
- Animals are often personified in fairy tales. 動物常在童話中被擬人化。
- Hans Christian Andersen publishes first book of fairy tales. 年,漢斯·克里斯蒂安·安徒生出版發行了首部童話書。
- Shanghai to build theme park on Andersen's fairy tales. 上海將建設安徒生童話樂園(明年五一開放)。
- One of the favourite games in fairy tales is metamorphosis. 神話故事的慣用手法之一是憑藉魔力改變形態。
- Their love story sounds like a fairy tale. 他們的愛情故事聽起來像童話。
- In Denmark, everyone, from the young to the old, lovers Andersen's fairy tales. 在Denmark;從年輕人到老年人;人人都喜歡Andersen的童話.
- There are many stories about the nymphs in Roman fairy tales. 羅馬神話中有許多關於女神的故事。
- Some lacquerware was painted with fairy tales. 一些漆器上繪有一些有趣的神話故事。
- Hans Christian Andersen, Danish writer of fairy tales, including The Ugly Duckling. Died at Copenhagen. 丹麥童話作家漢斯·里斯琴·徒生在哥本哈根去世。他的代表作有《醜小鴨》。
- Andersen turned his experience into fairy tales and told the stories to his friends children. 安徒生將自己的經歷編成童話,把這些童話講給朋友的孩子們聽。
- Have you read any of his fairy tales? 你看過他的童話嗎?
- Oscar Wilde' s fairy tales 王爾德童話
- The mother often told her children fairy tales and stories from folklore. 這位母親經常給她的孩子們講童話和民間傳說的故事。
- Children love to listen to fairy tales. 孩子們喜歡聽童話故事。
- Andersen was now recognized as the prince of fairy tales and was looked upon as one of the greatest writers of the day. 這時,漢斯.;安徒生已被公認為童話王子,而且是他那個時代最偉大的作家之一。
- These are Grimm's fairy tales retold in English. 這些是用英語複述的格林童話。