- This course is designed as an introduction to the subject. 這門課程是作為該科目的入門課而開設的。
- This book is titled An Introduction to American Literature. 這本書名為《美國文學指南》。
- This book is an Introduction to Radio. 這本書是《無線電入門》。
- Get an introduction to a well-known professor. 介紹給一位知名教授。
- An Introduction To Layout Designing. 版面設計的介紹。
- An Introduction to Annelida -- 2nd rev. Ed. 環蟲動物概論,第2修訂版。
- An Introduction to Mathematical Risk Theory II. 數學風險論導引2。
- An Introduction to WEB Design and Programming II. 設計與編程導論2。
- An introduction to English language testing II. 簡明英語測試教程2。
- An introduction to modern architecture. 現代建築引論。
- An introduction to office work II. 機關工作概論2。
- An introduction to the advanced course. 高級課程指導。
- An introduction to the legal process. 法律之門。
- For an introduction to the new concepts. 以了解對新概念的介紹。
- This paragraph is an introduction to what follows. 這段話是下文的導論。
- This book is designed as an introduction to literature. 這本書是要用作文學入門讀物的。
- He gave me an introduction to the article at the very beginning. 一開始他就向我介紹了這篇文章。
- Publiclyavailable solutions for AN INTRODUCTION TO GAME THEORY. 奧斯本教授的博弈入門答案。
- The course provides an introduction to the breadth of textiles. 該課程介紹了紡織品的範圍。
- See John G. Fleming, An introduction to the Law of Torts. P.119. [43] 參見王旸:《侵權行為法上因果關係研究》,載梁慧星主編《民商法論叢》第11卷,第488頁。