- THEO (V.O.): Just then, the little brown mouse happened by. 就在那時,那隻棕色的小老鼠碰巧經過。
- CLEO:We have received 540 letters from your little brown mouse website! 我們從你們的小棕鼠網站上收到540封信。
- LEONA :Oh, yes it does! 『Cause that Little Brown Mouse was a great big hero! 是的.;因為那隻棕色小老鼠是個英雄。
- I saw them, and one girl 』s brown shoes jarred with the rest of the outfit. 其中一名女孩還穿著一雙棕色的鞋子,和她的衣著很不協調。」
- An undated handout photo shows a cat and a brown mouse within an inch of each other. 這張照片顯示的是一隻貓和一隻老鼠在近距離地相互對峙。
- LEONA:I wonder how the little brown mouse feels about getting all that fan mail! 這不是座棕色的大山!這是個棕色的大郵包呀!這些信都是寫給我的!
- Paule Marshall"s Brown Girl, Brownstones (1959) was a landmark in the depiction of female characters in Black American literature. 論證性文字一定是以論證為特點,這特點及於文章的各個層面:篇章-段落-句子-單詞。
- To prove their point, the scientists showed pictures of a brown mouse within an inch of a cat, sniffing up its ear, kissing it and playing with its predator's collar. 為了證明他們的觀點,科學家們出示了一些貓鼠對峙的圖片,其中,老鼠或是豎起了耳朵,或是親吻貓咪或是逗弄小貓的項圈。
- Trainer S Brown and Supervisor Mr Khoo both pleaded "not guilty" to the charge and Trainer S Brown requested an adjournment in order to call witnesses and prepare his defense. 練馬師布恩及其馬房主任邱思龍對此指控均「不認罪」,練馬師布恩要求押后研訊以傳召證人及準備抗辯。
- THEO (V.O.):When the little brown mouse got to the top of the big brown hill, she found that it wasn't a big brown hill at all.It was a big brown mailbag! 當棕色的小老鼠到達棕色的大山頂時,才發現它走的不是一座棕色的大山,而是一個棕色的郵包。
- Trainer S Brown and Supervisor Mr Khoo both pleaded 「not guilty」 to the charge and Trainer S Brown requested an adjournment in order to call witnesses and prepare his defense. 練馬師布恩及其馬房主任邱思龍對此指控均「不認罪」,練馬師布恩要求押后研訊以傳召證人及準備抗辯。
- In September 1911, the Phil-ippine Sports Association sent Mr. F·S· BROWN to visit China with the intention to hold the Asian Games together with the "Philippine Carnival". After that; he went to Japan to lobby the government. 1911年9月,菲律賓體育協會派 遣布朗(F·S·brown)正式訪問中國,提倡與菲律賓嘉年華會合辦 運動會,他又到日本活動。
- Alston's brown mousen. 褐鼷鼠
- RAFER ALSTON IS TMAC'S "Cuttino Mobley"..YEAh i said it! 阿爾斯通就是麥蒂的老貓莫布里。。
- They spend the winter(s) in a warmer climate. 他們在氣候較暖的地方過冬。
- Most plural nouns in English end in "s". 英語的複數名詞多以「s」結尾。
- The sweater had shrunk after repeated washing(s). 這件套頭毛衣洗過多次已縮水了。
- Some old folk(s) have peculiar tastes. 有些老人有特殊的愛好。
- The mole, s, mouse』s and moose』s math is worse. 晏鼠,騾子,老鼠和麋鹿的數學越來越差。
- Why does Alston always take our 1st jumper? 為什麼斯通總是第一次跳投?