n. (名詞)
- [U]準確(性); 精確(度) the state of being exact or correct; the ability to do sth skillfully without making mistakes
the quality of being near to the true value;
"he was beginning to doubt the accuracy of his compass"
"the lawyer questioned the truth of my account"
(mathematics) the number of significant figures given in a number;
"the atomic clock enabled scientists to measure time with much greater accuracy"
用作名詞 (n.)
- He's a man of accuracy and strict method.
他是個精細而嚴謹的人。 - Accuracy is more important than speed in his new job.
對他的新工作,準確比速度更重要。 - I can predict something with great accuracy.
我能很準確地預測某事。 - It is impossible to say with any accuracy how many are affected.
無論如何也說不準受影響的有多少。 - I feel dubious of its accuracy.
我對於它的正確性感到懷疑。 - The accuracy of the parallel increased.
用作名詞 (n.)
- achieve accuracy 達到精確
- attain accuracy 達到精確
- check the accuracy of 檢驗…的準確性
- combine speed and accuracy 速度和精確度相結合
- doubt the accuracy of 懷疑…的正確性
- test the accuracy 檢驗正確性
- absolute accuracy 絕對準確
- amazing accuracy 令人吃驚的準確
- considerable accuracy 相當準確
- deadly accuracy 極度準確
- extreme accuracy 極大的準確性
- grammatical accuracy 語法上的正確性
- historical accuracy 歷史的準確性
- over-all accuracy 全部精確度
- reasonable accuracy 尚屬準確
- relative accuracy 相對準確
- remarkable accuracy 非常準確
- satisfactory accuracy 符合要求的精度
- scientific accuracy 科學般的準確
- strict accuracy 極其準確
- syntactical accuracy 句法上的正確性
- technical accuracy 技術上的準確性
- tolerable accuracy 尚屬準確
- total accuracy 全部精確度
- with accuracy 精確地
- with mathematical accuracy 以數學的精確性
- with pinpoint accuracy 準確到不差分毫
- accuracy in thought 思考的正確性
- accuracy of … 的精確性
- accuracy of account 敘述的準確性
- accuracy of a report 一篇報告的準確性
- accuracy of reading 讀數精度
- accuracy to size 尺寸精確度
- accurateness 準確性
- precision 精確
- exactness 正確
- exactitude 正確
- correctness 正確
- truthfulness 符合實際
- truth 事實
- accordance 一致
- faithfulness 忠誠
- strictness 嚴格
- rigorousness 嚴厲
- thoroughness 徹底性
- fidelity 忠實
- conformity 一致
- exhaustiveness 用盡一切
- closeness 密閉
- meticulousness 小心
- preciseness 正確
- painstakingness 辛苦
- carefulness 小心
- detailedness 詳細
- minuteness 微小
- severeness 嚴重
- agreement 同意
- severity 嚴格
- methodicalness 有秩序(方法)...
- rectitude 誠實
- rightness 正確性
- veritableness 真實(正確
- verity 真實,真實性...
- fact 事實
- unerringness 沒有錯
- veracity 真實性
- factuality 真實性
- justness 公正
- absoluteness 絕對性
- definiteness 明確(確定)
- positiveness 肯定
- actuality 實在
- literalness 文字的
- factualness factual的名詞形式...
- soundness 健康
- authenticity 真實性
- validness 正當
- validity 合法性
- faultlessness faultless的名詞...
- integrity 完整
- flawlessness flawless的名詞形...
- perfection 完美
- inaccuracy 不準確
- incorrectness 不正確