- a spring to one's step. 輕快有力的步伐
- Six to one is a good price for that horse. 那匹馬有六比一的賠率很不錯。
- A spring to one's step 有力的步伐
- The lagged effect of last year's fall in gasoline prices added a spring to the step. 去年汽油價格下跌的滯後效應,也為購物增添了一個理由。
- A unit of frequency equal to one cycle per second. 赫茲頻率的單位,等於每秒一周
- Cupid's arrows are magical, they bring colour in your life and a spring to your step, so why not take your chances and play a little cupidity. 你就是愛神丘比特;快在這個特別的日子來人間促成情侶吧?!一切掌握在你的手中.
- A Happy New Year to one and all! 祝大家新年快樂!
- I declare the motion is carried by a majority of six to one. 我宣布該動議以6比1的多數獲得通過。
- An ill marriage is a spring of ill fortune. 不良的婚姻是惡運的來源。
- Spring to attention when the captain enters. 上尉一進來,就要迅速立正站好。
- The boy made a spring over the fence. 那男孩一躍便翻過了柵欄。
- The chances are a hundred to one against you. 你只有百分之一成功的可能。
- She walked along with a spring in her step. 她邁著輕快的步伐向前走去。
- The horse was running at odds of ten to one. 那匹馬參賽賠率是十比一。
- Spring Return - An actuator using a spring to return the valve to either an open or closed position upon loss of power. 彈簧複位-當動力消失時,執行器採用彈簧將閥門恢復到開啟或關閉的位置。
- The odds are five to one on that horse. 那匹馬的賠率是五比一。
- The large diameter jockey pulley housed a spring to move the second parallelogram. 大直徑輔輪安置春季動議二平行四邊形。
- Lack of sleep is detrimental to one's health. 缺乏睡眠有害健康。
- A spring rills down by the gorge. 泉水潺潺地流下山峽。
- Water wells from a spring beneath the rock. 水從岩石下的泉內湧出。