- A newly weaned child or young animal. 幻兒,仔獸剛斷奶的幼兒,離乳仔畜
- A holiday or trip taken by a newly married couple. 蜜月假期,蜜月旅行新婚夫婦的假期或旅行
- This is a newly established institution. 這是一個新設立的機構。
- A newly hatched bird, amphibian, fish, or reptile. 新孵化的鳥、兩棲動物、魚或爬行動物
- Jenny and David are a newly wedded couple. 詹妮和戴維是新婚夫婦。
- This is a newly established enterprise. 這是一家初創的企業。
- A newly established settlement;a colony. 殖民地,新開發地新建立的移民地;殖民地
- He told her: "Lucie has joined a newly risen cult. 他告訴路易斯:「露茜已經加入了一個新創立的教會。
- Sorry, can't clone from a newly created document. 對不起,不能從最近創建的文檔克隆。
- A newly created query will be given a system name. 將為新創建的查詢分配系統名稱。
- They are a newly - married couple. 他們是一對新婚夫婦。
- A newly established settlement; a colony. 殖民地,新開發地新建立的移民地;殖民地
- He's always assuming official airs. 他總是擺出一副官架子。
- Operational Research is a newly emerging subject. 運籌學是一門新興的學科。
- This is a newly developed hangtag makers. 本機是我司新研製的最新型的全自動吊牌機。
- Now the water is lifted by a newly installed electric pump to the fields on the mountain slope. 現在由一台新安裝的電泵把水向上引到山坡上的田裡。
- She rubbed up against a newly painted door, and got some of the paint on her dress. 她走路時擦著一扇新漆過的門,衣服沾上了一些油漆。
- She came back to him towards evening with a newly plucked olive leaf in her beak. 傍晚時分,鴿子回來了,嘴裡銜著一片剛啄下的橄欖葉。
- It is a newly built addition to the school this year. 這是今年新完成的本校增建部分。
- Could I recommend the Palm Beach - a newly decorated hall? 在新裝修的棕櫚海灘廳如何?