- Only a rare occasional meeting was conducted by a deaf person. 只有極少的會議是由一個聾人主持的。
- A deaf person can't hear. 耳聾者聽不見。
- Although she said like that, I』d pretend to be a deaf person and laugher her secretly. 當初流淚流血的心也一日日結了痂,只是那傷痕還在,隱隱的,有時半夜醒來還在那裡突突地跳。
- He's a deaf mute and cannot tell anyone secret. 他是個聾啞人,不會把他們的秘密告訴任何人。
- A skilled person can split slate into layers. 手巧的人能把板岩剖成片。
- A disenfranchised person cannot vote or hold office. 被剝奪公民權的人不能投票也不能任公職。
- An interested person can not make a fair decision. 有偏見的人不能做出公正的決斷。
- He turned a deaf ear to his mother's chatter. 他對母親的嘮嘮叨叨聽而不聞。
- She turned a deaf ear to our warnings and got lost. 她對我們的警告充耳不聞,結果迷失了方向。
- He turned a deaf ear to all requests for help. 他不理會一切求援的呼籲。
- a deaf person who is unable to speak. 一個不能說話的聾子。
- Don' t mutter ! I can' t hear you. 別嘰嘰咕咕的! 我聽不見.
- No, I can not turn a deaf ear to his advice. 不,我不能不聽他的勸告。
- Why cannot a deaf man be legally coonvicted? 為什麼一個失聰的人不能被合法地宣判有罪?
- Only one person can do the job, namely you. 只有一個人能做這項工作,那就是你。
- I wish you wouldn' t mumble I can' t hear you clearly. 我希望你說話不要含含糊糊 - 我聽不清你在講什麼。
- I called out her name but she turned a deaf ear to my calling. 我大聲叫她,但她不理我。
- Only one person can answer the question namely you. 只有一個人能回答這個問題,那就是你。
- The only country where won』t hear such a gerund is Britain. 唯一一個你聽不到這個動名詞的國家是英國。
- Only a degraded person can do such a thing. 只有墮落的人才幹得出這種事。