- A beneficial factor or combination of factors. 有利條件有利因素或有利因素的總和
- His holiday has had a beneficial effect. 假期對他起了良好的效果。
- Tending to exert a beneficial influence; favorable. 易於產生有益影響的;有利的。
- Capable of bringing about a beneficial result or effect. 有益的可以帶來有利的結果或影響的
- Pesestrianism is not only funning, but also a beneficial sport. 徒步旅行除了好玩外,還是良好的運動。
- Can the infoimation produced by it become a beneficial asset or a moral evil? 由此產生的信息會成為澤被世人的財富,抑或造成道德的淪喪?
- The elections should have a beneficial impact in the region as a whole. 總體而言,該選舉在南亞地區應該是一次有益的影響。
- Hereon, I hope to make a beneficial exploration for the further research. 誠望為以後進一步的研究做些有益的探索。
- It's a beneficial result to us. 對我們來說那是有利的結果。
- In confirmation hereof we attach a bank statement. 為作這方面的確認我們附上銀行結單。
- Nutraceuticals today are often taken in capsule form or as food additives in the hope that the nutraceutical will be a beneficial diet additive. 今天的營養食品通常是採取膠囊的形式或作為食品添加劑來使之成為一種有益的飲食輔助。
- He made a statement before the House of Commons. 他在下議院當眾發表了一個聲明。
- A common method of creating a beneficial residual stress pattern is by peening the surface. 一個產生有蓋的殘餘應力模型的常用方法是向材料表面噴丸。
- I can boil down the facts to a short statement. 我可以把這些事實作簡短的陳述。
- Though nuclear wars can be exterminatory, nuclear weapons may be used in a beneficial way. 雖然核子戰爭會為人類帶來生靈塗炭,但核武器也有可能在未來拯救人類。
- Generally, those assets that you own, have control of or have a beneficial interest in. 一般來說,你所有、控制或者受益的資產。
- Geography has given the US extensive and accessible resources, fertile land, and a beneficial climate. 地理位置為美國提供了豐富的可利用資源,肥沃的土地和有利的氣候。
- Charcoal can be a beneficial soil amendment as it could be stable for thousands of years. 木炭可以是一種有益的泥土改善品,其功能在上千年裡能保持穩定。
- A contract made with a minor that is not for necessaries nor a beneficial contract of service may be voidable. 生活必需品合同,受益性服務合同之外,未成年人簽訂的合同可能屬於可撤銷合同。
- A FORTRAN language statement used to define arrays. 在FORTRAN語言中用於定義數組的語句。