- 魯棒擴展Kalman濾波器robust and extended Kalman filter
- 擴展kalman濾波器EKF
- 具有不確定雜訊的連續時間廣義系統確保估計性能的魯棒Kalman濾波器Robust Kalman Filter of the Guaranteed Estimation Performance for a Continuous-Time Descriptor System with Uncertain Noise
- 魯棒性robustness
- 擴展Kalman濾波extended Kalman filter
- 魯棒robust
- 迭代擴展Kalman濾波iterated extend Kalman filter
- Kalman濾波器Kalman filter
- 魯棒控制robust control
- 通過選取直角坐標及偽測量量構成擴展Kalman濾波。This algorithm is an extended Kalman filter which adopts the Cartesian coordinates and pseudomeasurements.
- 聯邦Kalman濾波器federated Kalman filter
- 數值實驗表明:新的AMC法具有更好的「魯棒」性和效率。The numerical results show that our new AMC method is more robust and efficient.
- 三維Kalman濾波器3 D Kalman filter
- 魯棒PCArobust PCA
- 非線性Kalman濾波器nonlinear Kalman filter
- 魯棒鎮定robust stabilization
- 多尺度Kalman濾波器組multiscale Kalman filters
- 魯棒穩定robust stability
- 各向異性湍流中合成的徑向風資料的綜合Kalman濾波器同化:理想模式試驗Assimilation with an Ensemble Kalman Filter of Synthetic Radial Wind Data in Anisotropic Turbulence: Perfect Model Experiments
- 魯棒優化robust optimization