- 高速高性能ADhigh speed and high performance AD
- 高速汽車;高性能計算機a high performance car/computer
- 高速公路的速度限制是多少?What's the speed limit on the motorway?
- 我想買一台高性能的35毫米相機。I am interested in buying a sophisticated 35mm camera.
- 在高速公路上快速行駛barrel over a speedway
- 特種船、高性能船舶的修理、設計與製造(中方相對控股)Repairing, design and manufacture of special vessels, high-performance vessels (the Chinese party shall hold the relative majority of shares)
- 他沿公路高速行駛。He barreled along the highway.
- 高性能轎車GT Grand Touring or Grand Touring car
- 高速公路環繞著市區。The expressway rounded about the urban district.
- 高性能鋼high performance steel
- 高速飛翔船high-speed hovercraft
- 高性能CCLhigh performance CCL
- 高速救生艇high-speed lifeboat
- 高性能船high performance ship
- USB高速USB (Universal Serial Bus) high-speed
- 高性能配電房Distribution room with high performance
- 高速焊high-speed welding
- 高性能鋼絲X- ray high-strength wire
- 工業經濟持續高速增長。The industrial economy is developing with a high speed.
- 高性能汽車/飛機high-performance(= very powerful)cars/aircraft