- 高校OAcollege OA
- 高校間的競爭有助於改變國家的態度。Strife on college campuses helped change the attitude of the nation.
- 高校後勤社會化改革取得重要進展。Important progress was made in outsourcing college services to independent service providers.
- 在高校college
- 高校報college newspaper
- 高校區high education area
- 高校BBSuniversity BBS
- 985高校"985 Project" university
- 某高校Colleges and universities
- 高校館Libraries in colleges and universities
- 高校排名Ranking of Higher Education Institutions
- 高校青年young people in college
- 台灣高校Taiwan university
- 高校教材Teaching Material of College
- 泰國高校Thailand University
- 高校引智The indraught of the foreign brains in the higher learning
- 高校負債The obligation in colleges and universities
- 高校消防Universities Fire Protection
- 高校資產Universities assets
- 溫州高校Universities in Wenzhou