- 高校EFL教學EFL instruction
- 語言學習認知法和EFL教學改革A Cognitive Approach to Language Learning and EFL Teaching Reform
- 論學校情境中的成就動機在EFL教學中的意義On the Application of School Motivation in EFL Teaching
- 加拿大安大略省ESL教學對江蘇省高職院校EFL教學的啟示The Enlightening from ESL Teaching & Learning in Ontario,Canada for EFL Teaching & Learning in Higher Vocational Colleges in Jiangsu Province
- 教學teacher and student
- 教學的didactical
- 教學大綱teaching program
- 教學質量quality of teaching
- 教學內容content of courses
- 教學模式teaching model
- 教學目標instructional objectives
- 教學計劃teaching plan
- 課堂教學classroom teaching
- 教學實習practice teaching
- 教學相長teaching benefits both teacher and pupil alike
- 教學過程teaching process
- 教學重點focal point
- 教學設備education aids
- 雙語教學bilingual teaching
- 教學設計instructional design