- 上肢動脈氣體動脈內膜切除術(利用高壓CO2除去脂質斑塊術)Gas endarterectomy of upper limb artery
- 高壓CO2Compressed CO2
- 高壓CO2-水混合體系High pressure CO2 - water system
- 危險!高壓電線。Danger! High tension wires.
- CO2carbon dioxide
- 這種鋼板能抗高壓。This type of sheet steel could stand high pressure.
- CO2源carbon dioxide source
- 瀋陽高壓開關廠Shenyang High Voltage Switchgear Factory
- CO2焊CO2 welding
- 他們將塑料在高壓下塑成碗或桶的形狀。They shape the plastic into bowls or buckets by moulding it under pressure.
- 富CO2elevated CO2
- 北極高壓arctic high
- CO2驅CO2 drive
- 用高壓水沖洗汽車to slush the car with high-pressure water
- 注CO2CO2 injection
- 高壓氣動技術high-pressure pneumatics
- CO2匯carbon dioxide sink
- 閉合高壓closed high
- CO2氣CO2
- CO2間CO2 room