- 所以,從差距、從發展空間的角度看,翻兩番並不是一個高不可及的目標。Both the current gaps and space of development indicate that to quadruple China's GDP is an attainable target
- 由於此人禁慾潔身,專一潛心於那些高不可及的真理,他已超脫了塵世間的一切俗念,達到了出神入化的境界。By purity and abstinence, and the contemplations of his innocent mind, this man had worn thin the evil between that which we see and those great invisible truths.
- 遙不可及的reachless
- 遙不可及out of reach
- 我們在地上看天空覺得天高不可及,等到有一天你飛到鵬鳥的高度,你會發現地球也一樣是那麼遙不可及。The sky is unreachably high when we look upon it from the ground. If you fly as high as the Peng, the ground will seem unreachably far.
- 我們的某些最了不起的、最富有的超級明星卻愚不可及。Some of our greatest and richest superstars have been as thick as two planks.
- 由於此人禁慾潔身,專一潛心於那些高不可及的真理,他已超脫了塵世間的一切俗念,達到了出神入化的境界。By purity and abstinence, and the contemplations of his innocent mind, this man had worn thin the evil between that which we see and those great invisible truths.
- 這句話我情願這樣譯為: 時間是有眼無珠,人是愚不可及。man, more so. which I should be glad to translate thus:time is blind, man is stupid.
- 做這種事實在愚不可及。It is sheer madness to do it.
- 珀莉是我見過最愚不可及的人。Polly is the most featherheaded person I've ever seen.
- 那簡直是愚不可及.That is just plain stupid.
- 不應以過高的速度駕駛,以免在前面視可及的空間內不能及時停車。Never drive so fast that you cannot stop well within the distance which you can see to be clear.
- 不可及的untouchable
- 不可及unreachable
- 遠不可及untouchability
- 而手不可及But no hands can take hold of it
- 不可及前轉CFNRc Call Forwarding on mobile subscriber Not Reachable
- 愚不可及nonsense
- 愚不可及的行為an act of crass(= great)stupidity
- 他跟他們簽合同,真是愚不可及He was an imbecile to sign a contract with them