- 醒悟awaken to
- 安德烈臉上頓然失色。Andrea visibly changed countenance.
- 埃爾頓先生在一次舞會上對她的粗魯無禮更促成了她的醒悟。Her recovery was aided by Mr. Elton's rudeness to her at a ball.
- 我到后,保安外僑的人數頓然劇增。My arrival resulted in a phenomenal increase of the foreign population of Pao An.
- 我到后,保安外僑的人數頓然劇增。My arrival resulted in a phenomenal increase of the foreign population of Pao An.
- 這件事可能使她醒悟。The event may wake her up.
- 而師父卻一直呵護修方便法的我,心中為此感應頓然撼動!Nevertheless, She continued to take care of me while I was practicing the Convenient Method.
- 需要有人使他們從驕傲自滿中醒悟過來。It needs somebody to shake them up out of their complacency.
- 他因拒絕服從該黨關於鋼鐵國有化的路線而頓然顯赫一時。He suddenly came into prominence as a result of his refusal to obey the party-line on the nationalization of steel.
- 他終於從荒唐的迷戀中醒悟過來。He finally recovered from an absurd infatuation.
- 我們頓然緘口,安靜下來,之後從前面的山谷傳來一聲怪異的喊叫。We all fell speechless, and then from the valley ahead a strange cry drifted down to us.
- 猛然的醒悟a rude awakening
- 我們在國會兩院的席位的損失,使我頓然變為少數黨的一名普通成員。Our loss of both houses of Congress turned me overnight into a junior member of the minority party.
- 他頓時醒悟到那是怎麼一回事。Right away he rapped to what it was.
- 我們在國會兩院的席位的損失,使我頓然變為少數黨的一名普通成員。Our loss of both houses of Congress turned me overnight into a junior member of the minority party.
- 他聽到別人喊他的名字才醒悟過來。The sound of his name recalled him to himself.
- 誰能夠使那些人醒悟到小心的重要性呢?Who can rouse the people from their lack of care?
- 醒悟的disillusioned
- 他望著他們,高興地張開那生得很俊的嘴唇,兩眼那股精明洞察的神色頓然收斂,帶著狂熱歡快地眨巴著。He looked at them, his wellshaped mouth open happily, his eyes, from which he had suddenly withdrawn all shrewd sense, blinking with mad gaiety.