- 靶DNAtarget DNA
- 只有一顆子彈擊中靶心。Only one bullet hit the bull's-eye.
- 放箭射靶to wing an arrow at a target
- 射手的那一箭正中靶心。The archer's shot was a perfect bull's-eye.
- 靶心是用一個大紅圓環作標記的。The bull's eye was marked with a large red circle.
- 標槍正中靶心The dart landed plunk in the center of the target.
- 靶向融合防齲DNA疫苗免疫大鼠的研究Immunization of rats with a targeted fusion anticaries DNA vaccine
- 命中靶心to hit the eye
- 靶面target surface
- 靶內劑量intratarget dosage
- 靶丸爆聚pellet implosion
- 靶丸壓縮pellet compression
- 靶位target position
- X射線靶X-ray target
- 靶標驅逐艦target destroyer
- 靶箔target foil
- 靶層target layer
- 靶船target ship
- 靶恩barn