- 非球形Rayleigh粒子Rayleigh aspherical particle
- 非not-
- 無規取向、無吸收非球形粒子光散射的T-矩陣方法Convergence of the T-matrix approach for randomly oriented, nonabsorbing, nonspherical particles, Part II: Spheroids
- 關於非球形粒子光散射的T-矩陣數值計算方法的研究Some Studies on Numerical Calculations of T-Matrix Approach for Light Scattering by Nonspherical Particles
- 球形sphericity
- 非球形顆粒及顆粒群的自由沉降速度Terminal Velocities of Non-spherical Particle and Its Disperse System
- 非我nonego
- 不到長城非好漢He who has never been to the Great Wall is not a true man.
- 球形的global
- 非對稱asymmetric
- 半球形half ball
- 非物質immateriality
- 非標nonstandard
- 非物質文化遺產non-material cultural heritage
- 05%的摻鐵納米二氧化鈦為銳鈦礦型、粒徑為63.4nm、比表面積為82.2m~2/g的球形粒子。On the other hand, the particle size is 63.4nm and the surface area is 82.2 m2/g from the sample of 0.05%25 iron-doped anatase titania calcined at the same temperature.
- 非晶amorphous
- 非空nonNIL
- 球形粒子spheroidal particle
- 非處方葯non-prescribed medicine
- 非標準non-standard