- 我覺得戲劇工作者的小圈子針插不進.Theatre people are a rather incestuous group,I find.
- 我覺得戲劇工作者的小圈子針插不進。Theatre people are a rather incestuous group, I find.
- 瑪麗講起話來,別人誰也插不上嘴。When Mary starts talking, no one else can get a word in edgeways.
- 入住be opened for occupancy
- 針插上插滿了針.The cushion was stuck full of pins.
- 買入buying
- 針needle
- 登入log in
- 她說話滔滔不絕, 我們都插不上嘴。She talks so much that the rest of us never get a look in.
- 不入虎穴焉得虎子how can you catch tiger cubs without entering the tiger's lair
- 插不上話Not get a word in edgeways
- 放入interpose
- 針刺pinprick
- 入股become a shareholder
- 鐳針插置radium needle implant
- 四捨五入round
- 我鑰匙插不進鎖里。I can't insert my key in the lock.
- 植入embedded
- 她說個沒完, 使別人插不上嘴.She tended to monopolize the conversation.
- 代入substituting