- 轉to convey
- 為阻止這幫嗜血狂魔為禍世界,你,一個卓越的女性獵人毅然深入吸血鬼的大本營死亡墓地,在那裡,一場生死大戰正在上演。This group to prevent Haemophilus inherently provocative plague the world, you a remarkable depth of female vampire hunters took the stronghold - died cemetery, where War is a life-and-death game.
- 轉帳transfer money from|into an account
- 為難make things difficult for
- 禍disaster
- 反轉rollback
- 轉化為translate into
- 以人為本people oriented; people foremost
- 跳轉skip
- 有為yu-wei
- 我們有必要來評斷電視到底是福還是禍。It is essential for us to try to decide whether television is a blessing or a curse.
- 轉寄forward
- 為準be as the criterion
- 因禍得福a fault on the right side
- 替換為replace with
- 轉矩torque
- 嫁禍impute
- 轉晴fair
- 表現為register as
- 轉置transposition