- 數據機(Modem)modem Controller
- 數據機(modem)Modem Controller
- 最有可能的是,你使用Modem連到電話線上與Internet對話。Most likely, you will use a Modem attached to your telephone line to talk to the Internet.
- 我的電腦有個傳真數據機,我通常用它來接收傳真。I have a fax-modem on my computer. I usually use it to receive faxes.
- 流式圖像(特別是在網際網路上用較低的數據機速度觀看時)遠比電視差。A streamed image -- especially one viewed at slower modem speeds over the Internet -- is far from television-like.
- 而對於電纜modem,存在著安全問題和服務質量下降的毛玻And with cable modems there are security concerns and service degradation troubles.
- 這就使用戶有理由購買這種modem。That gives users a reason to purchase these modems.
- n溝道數據機n-channel modem
- 圖象數據數據機view data modem
- 無線PCMCIA modem由於不再需要便攜機用戶尋找電話插口而提高了移動能力。Wireless PCMCIA modems have increased mobility by eliminating the laptop user's need to seek out a telephone jack.
- 光MODEMoptical modem
- 變速數據機variable speed modem
- 你要買一個數據機。You must buy a modem.
- 無線ModemWireless Modem
- 該modem今年的出貨量幾乎可望增長3倍。Shipments of the modems are expected to almost triple this year.
- 巨群數據機jumbo group modem
- GSM-ModemGSM-Modem
- 聲數據機acoustic modem
- modem狀態保留MOH Modem-on-Hold
- 數據機群modem pool