- 飯囊rice bag
- 衣架飯囊a good-for-nothing
- 他在我們單位是個有名的飯囊,啥活兒都干不好。He is a notorious wastrel in our company.
- 飯meal
- 袈Buddhist monk's robe
- 肋支袈Rib cage
- 華爾特里德膝袈Walter Reed knee stand
- 囊sack
- 本公司許多顧客對於貴方的防水衣很感興趣並詢及它們的品質。Several of my customer have express interest in your waterproof garment and enquired about their quality.
- 一頓飯meal
- 她用衣夾將濕衣服夾在晒衣繩上。She pegged wet clothes on the line.
- 飯糰Rice and vegetable roll
- 球囊sacculus
- 舊衣duds
- 我想請你吃飯。I'll treat you to dinner.
- 香囊incense bag
- 緊身胸衣corselet
- 飯卡mess card
- 她正在把衣服夾在晒衣繩上晾乾。She was pegging the clothes out on the line to dry.
- 囊泡vesicle