- 融合PCRfusion PCR
- 三重融合PCR法構建感染性辛德畢斯嵌合病毒cDNA克隆Construction of Infectious Chimeric cDNA Clone of Sindbis Virus by Triple Fusion PCR
- 通過融合PCR方法,將兩個潛在的啟動子序列分別連在gus上游,以pTR102為載體導入HN 01中。The promotor sequence of this putative operon was combined with the gus(on its upstream) by double fusion polymerase chain reaction then transported to HN01 with pTR102 as conjunction vector.
- 融合inosculate
- 融合的shirt-sleeve
- 民族融合national reunification
- PCRpolymerase chain reaction (PCR)
- 融合蛋白fusion protein
- 3-PCR3-PCR
- 相互融合mutual fusion
- 長PCRLong PCR
- 細胞融合cell fusion
- PCR儀PCR instrument
- 分瓣的帶有部分或全部融合的花瓣的花冠的,或以此為特性的Having or characterizing a corolla with partially or wholly fused petals.
- 融合在一起的scumbled
- 組合PCRassembly PCR
- 這是入侵文化和接受文化兩種成分的融合。This is a blend of elements of the invading and recipient cultures.