- 融合IP消息converged IP message
- 最新消息hot news
- 短消息short message
- 內幕消息stable push
- 30年前他還是孩子的時候就離開了家,從此,他家裡人一直沒有得到他的消息。He ran away as a boy thirty years ago, and his family has never heard from him since.
- 消息以電報傳來。The news came by telegraph.
- 這消息使約翰煩躁不安。The news made John irritable.
- 我們聽見擴音器里廣播了這一消息。We heard the news over the loudspeaker.
- 他這人消息很靈通。He is a man who knows the time of day.
- 這份用密碼寫的消息譯不出來。The coded message was indecipherable.
- 這消息使我們放心了。The news assured us.
- 我不知道誰泄漏了這一消息。I wonder who spilled out the information.
- 他聽到這一消息兩腿搖晃起來。He gave a stagger on hearing the news.
- 那消息令他不安。The news gave him uneasiness.
- 報告一個好消息!I have good news!
- 那消息使她釋懷。The news assured her.
- 聽到這消息時,他嘆了口氣。When he heard the news, he uttered a sigh.
- 這消息與你兄弟有關。The news concerns your brother.
- 在時機成熟之前,我不會把這個消息告訴她。I won't tell her the news until the time is ripe.
- 內部消息inside information