- 雕蟲篆a type of calligraphy featuring characters twisting and tuning like warms
- 黔驢之技tricks not to be feared; tricks of the Guizhou donkey; tricks not to be feared; cheap tricks
- 你如有取勝之意,就必有獲勝之技。雖深知勝之快意,你仍需用心銘記Intro: When you have the will to win You will find the skill to win And you know it's such a thrill to win But don't you forget
- 蟲worm
- 張文雄,許鳳火,賴明茂,1996,以專業設計實務為導向之技職體系設計教育模式,第11屆技術與職業教育研討會,高雄,台灣.Chang Wen-Shion, Sheu, Feng-Huo, 1995, A study of Educational Model Directed Toward Enhancing Student Designers Capabilities in Professional Practice, Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Engineering Education, Taipei, Taiwan.
- 篆seal characters
- 之後afterwards
- 木蟲carpenter worm
- 甲殼蟲beetle
- 不足之處limitations
- 線蟲eelworm
- 隨之thereupon; therewith
- 殺蟲desinsection
- 之處part; point
- 之行trip
- 除蟲worm
- 蟎蟲acarid
- 不便之處discomfort
- 網蟲netter; Internet geek
- 之子Clouet