- 紈絝silk clothes; a rich family
- 紈絝的foppish
- 紈絝子playboy
- 紈絝習氣foppery
- 紈絝子的dandiacal
- 膏粱fat meat and fine grain; rich food
- 膏粱子弟good-for-nothing sons of the idle rich
- 紈絝做派dandyism
- 居處於膏粱錦繡之中living in the lap of luxury
- 有紈絝習氣的foppish
- "其為人謙恭厚道,大有祖父遺風,非膏粱輕薄仕宦之流""He is an unassuming, generous man who takes after his grandfather."
- 這些膏粱子弟整天吃喝玩樂,不學無術。These children of wealthy families play all day long, they have neither learning nor ability.
- 紈white
- 絝silk clothes; a rich family
- 紈絝習氣花花公子的衣著或儀錶The dress or manner of a fop.
- "因此這李紈雖青春喪偶,居家處膏粱錦繡之中,竟如槁木死灰一般,一概無見無聞""So this young widow living in the lap of luxury was no better off than withered wood or cold ashes, taking no interest in the outside world."
- [工人的]絝子墊膝boyang
- 紈褲子弟knut
- 內絝underpants
- 女絝pantalets