- 胎盤軟組織X線攝影術soft tissue x-ray placentography
- 大腿軟組織X線攝影術Radiography of soft tissue of thigh
- 胎盤軟組織X線攝影(術)soft tissue x-ray placentography
- 乳線X線攝影術Mammography
- 胎盤軟組織X線攝影soft tissue x-ray placentography
- 直接數字X線攝影術Direct digital radiography
- 大腿軟組織X線攝影Radiography of soft tissue of thigh
- 斷層攝影術X線Tomagraph
- 膝軟組織X線攝影[術]Radiography of soft tissue of knee
- 肘軟組織X線攝影[術]Radiography of soft tissue of elbow
- 體層攝影術X線計算機Tomography X-ray computed
- 踝軟組織X線攝影[術]Radiography of soft tissue of ankle
- 肩軟組織X線攝影[術]Radiography of soft tissue of shoulder
- 體層攝影術,X線計算機Tomography
- 胸壁軟組織X線攝影[術]Soft tissue X-ray of chest wall
- 體層攝影術,X線計算機Computed tomography
- 髖部軟組織X線攝影[術]Radiography of soft tissue of hip
- 前臂軟組織X線攝影[術]Radiography of soft tissue of forearm
- 體層攝影術,X線計算機血栓栓塞Tomography
- 上臂軟組織X線攝影[術]Radiography of soft tissue of upper arm