- 沃土fertile soil
- 毒草拔了能肥田。When uprooted poisonous weeds can be used as fertilizer.
- 引淤肥田fertilize the soil with silt
- 在這片沃土上耕種是件易事。Farming was easy in this luxuriant soil.
- 五畝肥田five mu of fertile land
- 肥田二號井田geological structure
- 每平方英寸的沃土every last square inch of fertile soil
- 九豐肥田寶應用技術Techniques for application of a fertiliser with brand name of Jiufengfeitianbao
- 森林裡的鬆軟沃土上長著許多野花。Many wild flowers grow in the forest mold.
- 草木灰可以用來肥田。Plant ash can be used to fertilize the soil.
- 沃土。fertile soil
- 他們從牧場的飼養場拖走肥料去肥田。They hauled feedlot manure from the ranches to fertilize their fields.
- 電視也證明是克洛斯施展才華的沃土。Television has also proven to be a fertile medium for Close's talent.
- 肯特郡是英格蘭的肥田沃地.Kent is the garden of England.
- 小麥在沃土中長勢很好。The wheat is growing well in the fertile soil.
- 蠶沙肥田增產效應的試驗初報Primary report on the experiment of silkworm litters fertilizing the fields
- 沃土;豐收年;沃土。the bountiful earth; a plentiful year; fruitful soil.
- 沃土的loamy
- 在少數地方,還保持著「刀耕火種」、「燒荒肥田」的原始耕作方式。Slash and burn cultivation and the burning of grass to fertilize land were still customs retained in a few localities.
- 在這片沃土上,農民種植玉米、水稻、小米、豆米和棗子。"On it farmers grow maize, rice, millet, beans and dates. "