- 肌源性IL-6muscle-derived IL-6
- 外源性IL-3cDNA導入骨髓基質細胞及對造血的調控作用Bone marrow stromal cells transferred by exogenous IL-3 cDNA and its regulatory ef- fect on hematopoiesis in mice
- 輕度收縮相:5種出口梗阻型便秘疾病的動作電位電壓下降,波幅縮短,表明肌源性損傷。Light constringency phases The five OOC of MUP analysis appeared voltage dropped, and wave shorten, enunciating muscle source hurt.
- 結論IL-1ra對於外傷性腦水腫有治療作用,內源性IL-1參與了外傷性腦水腫的發生。Conclusi on The results indicate that endogenous IL-1is implicated in traumatic brain e dema and IL-1ra has a therapeutic effect.
- 不同刺激模式前庭誘發肌源性電位的反應特性Characteristics of the response of vestibular evoked myogenic potentials to different stimulus modes
- 目的 探索將外源性IL-3cDNA導入骨髓基質細胞的可能性。Objective To investigate the feasibility of transferring exogenous IL-3 cDNA into bone marrow stromal cells (BMS).
- 蝸肌源性的cochleomyogenic
- 外源性IL-18基因對大鼠C6膠質瘤細胞生物學特性及化療敏感性的影響The Influence of the Exogenous IL-18 Gene on the Biological Characteristics and the Chemosensitivity of Rat C6 Glioma Cells
- 雌激素缺乏使骨髓內源性IL -6增加可能是由成骨細胞系IL -6mRNA表達升高決定的 ,雌激素抗骨吸收作用部分是通過降低IL -6的產生而介導的。Estrogen deficiency enhanced endogenous IL-6 levels in BMS,resuting from increased expression of IL-6 in vivo osteoblas linage.
- 肌源性腫瘤myogenic tumor
- 同源性homology
- 內源性endogenous
- 骨骼肌肌源細胞自體移植在壓力性尿失禁治療中的價值The value of skeletal muscle derived cell autologous transplantation in the treatment of stress urinary incontinence in rats
- 外源性exogenous
- 內源性分泌endogenous excretion
- 外源性的exogenetic
- 內源性阿片肽endogenous opioid peptides; EOP
- 心源性Cardiogenic
- 牙源性odontogenic
- 內源性的endogenic