- 我日以繼日地工作,不知道幹了多少活。I worked and worked, and I didn't know how much I had not done?
- 增長知識的可能性是無限的。畢業只標誌著教育的一個階段。不斷獲取知識將把我們不斷提高到新的台階。衷心祝你來日成功!The possiBility of enhancing one's knowledge is limitless, Graduation only marks a stage of one's education. Unceasing acquisition of knowledge will unceasingly escalate us to ever higher and higher attainments. My Best wishes for your future success
- 後繼subsequence
- 日劇Japanese TV play
- 日中Japan-China
- 繼電保護relay protection
- 日的diurnal
- 他經曆數年的辛勞之後成功了。He succeeded after years of toil.
- 前日eve
- 繼女stepdaughter
- 成功與長處似無多少關聯。Success seems to have little reference to merit.
- 繼位succession
- 日產daily output; current yield
- 他們依靠堅忍不拔而獲得成功。They succeeded by means of perseverance.
- 按日by the day
- 他做礦業股票投機獲得成功。He speculated successfully in mining shares.
- 後繼者sequela
- 人日man-day
- 這狐狸成功地避過了獵手。The fox succeeded in eluding the hunters.
- 日式Japanese