- 絕對H磁強計absolute H-magnetometer
- 沒有人可以證明他的話是絕對正確的。No one can attest to the absolute truth of his statement.
- 絕對不會can never
- 一種新型實用的小型振動樣品磁強計的研製Development of a Novel and Practical Minimized Vibrating Sample Magnetometer
- 閾值HThreshold H
- 維持食物的供給是絕對必要的。It is absolutely vital that food supplies should be maintained.
- 標量磁強計scalar magnetometer
- 英國博物學家W.H.哈得遜出生在阿根廷。The English naturalist W.H. Hudson was born in Argentina.
- 她對自己的秘書絕對信任。She has implicit trust in her secretary.
- 擺式磁強計pendulum magnetometer
- H.S.先生已退出本公司,特此奉告。We have the honour to inform you of the retirement form this firm of Mr. H.S.
- 它沒有絕對的標準。There's no absolute standard for it.
- 飽和磁強計saturation magnetometer
- C.C.H.龐德爾Pounder C.C.H.
- 輸血前測定病人的血型是絕對必要的。It is absolutely necessary to type the patient's blood before a blood transfusion.
- W-H方程W-H equation
- 力矩磁強計torque magnetometer
- 草率的工作絕對經不起檢查。Slipshod work will never pass muster.
- 飽和鐵心磁強計saturable core magnetometer