- 經典Viterbi演算法classical Viterbi algorithm
- Viterbi演算法Viterbi algorithm
- 約束Viterbi演算法constrained Viterbi algorithm
- Viterbi解碼器RTL級設計優化Optimization of Architecture for Viterbi Decoder on RTL Design Stage
- 採用連續HMM模型,利用Baum-Welth重估、Viterbi演算法進行訓練和識別,實現系統軟體設計。The continuous density hidden Markov model(CDHMM) is adopted, Viterbi and Baum-Welch reestimation algorithms is utilized to train and recognize the speech signals.
- 作為一種最優信息檢測方法,基於Viterbi演算法實現的BSE需要搜索與觀察序列長度成指數關係的狀態樹。As an optimal information detection approach, BSE based on Viterbi algorithm needs searching a trellis whose state number is exponential to the observation length.
- 經典著作classical works
- 自1967年Viterbi演算法提出以來,由於其效率高、速度快、結構簡單,而被廣泛應用於各種數據傳輸系統。Viterbi algorithm has been widely used in data transmission systems since it brings out in 1967, because of its high efficiency, fast speed, simply structure.
- 經典語句locus classicus
- 經典作品classics
- 半經典論semi classical theory
- 首先利用子帶間的相關性進行零樹編碼,然後利用卷積編碼和信號空間擴展來增大量化信號間的歐氏距離,並用Viterbi演算法尋找最優量化序列。First, the zerotree coding utilizes correlation between the subbands, then convolutional coding and signal space expanding are used for increasing Euclidian distance between signals. Finally, Viterbi algorithm is used to find a optimized survived quantized sequence.
- 半經典方法semi classical method
- 佛教經典Buddhist scriptures
- K-P演算法K-P calculation
- 半經典的semiclassical
- KKR演算法KKR calculation
- 半經典理論semiclassical theory
- 逼近演算法approximate algorithm
- 半經典的方法semi classical method