- 細胞株A549cell A549
- 肺癌細胞株A549spulmonary carcinoma cell line A549
- 人肺癌細胞株A549human lung cancer cell
- 人肺上皮細胞株A549human alveolar epithelium cells A549
- 細胞cell
- 熱療能提高人肺腺癌耐葯細胞株A549/DDP對順鉑的敏感性,熱化療具有協同作用。Hyperthermia can significantly enhance the sensitivity to cisplatin in human multidrug-resistant lung cancer cell line A549/DDP.
- 肺腺癌細胞株A549Adenocarcinoma of lung cell line A549
- 細胞株cell strain
- 人肺腺癌細胞株A549human A459 lung cancer cell line
- 人淋巴因子激活的殺傷細胞對肝癌細胞株凋謝作用的觀察A Observaion of Apoptoisi of Liver Cancer Cells Induced by Human LAK Cells
- T24細胞株T24 Cell lines
- NB4細胞株NB4 cell line
- 肝細胞株hepatocyte lines
- A20細胞株A20 cell line
- B9細胞株B9 cell line
- CEM細胞株CEM cell line
- CHO細胞株CHO cell
- EJ細胞株EJ cell line
- H22細胞株H22 cell line