- 線粒體DNA12SrRNAmtDNA 12SrRNA
- 結果測序結果表明,此家系線粒體DNA12SrRNA基因中存在著A1555G突變,COI/tRNASer(UCN)基因中存在著G7444A突變。The mutations were detected by direct DNA sequencing. Results All samples examined carried mtDNA A1555G mutation in 12SrRNA gene and G7444A mutation in COI/tRNASer(UCN) gene.
- 線粒體mitochondria
- 線粒體RNAmitochondrial RNA (mt RNA)
- 線粒體鞘mitocondrial sheath
- 線粒體套chondriosomal mantle
- 泡周線粒體perivacuolar chondriosome
- 線粒體基粒matrix granule of mitochondria
- 環境化學污染物對線粒體呼吸鏈系統作用機制的研究進展Advances in Study on Effecting Mechanism of Environmental Chemical Pollutants to Mitochondria
- 亞線粒體Submitochondria
- 狀線粒體plastochondria; granular mitochondria
- 線粒體病mitochondriopathy
- 線粒體瘤mitochondroma
- 線粒體群mitochondrial body
- 超線粒體ultrachondriome
- 前線粒體promitochondrion
- 肝線粒體hepatic mitochondria
- 線粒體CO1mitochondria CO1 gene
- 線粒體DNmtDNA
- 線粒體ND1mtDNA ND1