- 線粒體DNA含量MtDNA content
- 有氧運動訓練后大鼠橫紋肌線粒體DNA含量觀察An Investigation on the DNA Content of Striated Muscle Mitochondria after Aerobic Exercise Training in Rat
- 洋蔥細胞質雄性不育系與相應保持系線粒體DNA的RAPD分析RAPD analysis of mitochondrial DNA of CMS line and its maintainer in onion
- 細胞核DNA含量cellular DNA content
- 褪黑激素在視網膜色素上皮細胞氧化應激中對線粒體DNA保護作用的研究Investigation of protection of melatonin to mitochondrial DNA in the oxidative stress model of retinal pigment epithelial cells in vitro
- 十四種淡水魚的DNA含量Cellular DNA Content of Fourteen Species of Fresh-water Fishes
- 施氏鱘的核型及DNA含量研究The Karyotype and Cellular DNA Contents of Amur Sturgeon (Acipenser schrencki
- 中華絨螯蟹與合浦絨螯蟹兩地理亞種的線粒體DNA序列變異Mitochondrial DNA sequence variation in two geographical subspecies of the mitten crab Eriocheir japonica
- 子宮平滑肌瘤細胞的DNA含量分析A Study on DNA Content and Cell Cycle Phase Analysis in Uterine Leiomyomas
- 線粒體DNAmitochondrial DNA
- 人骨巨細胞瘤細胞DNA含量的研究Studies on the cellular DNA content in giant cell tumor of bone
- 非線粒體DNAnon-mitochondrial DNA
- 肝癌旁組織的流式細胞DNA含量分析Flow Cytometric Study of Cellular DNA Content of Peri-Cancer Tissues in Hepatocellular Carcinoma
- 線粒體DNA組Mitochondfial DNA
- 直腸癌細胞DNA含量流式細胞儀分析Analysis of DNA Content from Cells of Rectal Cancer with Flow Cytometry
- 線粒體DNA遺傳inheritance of mitochondrion DNA
- 染色質濃縮對細胞核DNA含量檢測的影響Influence of chromatin condensation on measurement of nuclear DNA content
- 水稻線粒體DNAisolation and purification
- 卵巢上皮性腫瘤DNA含量測定及其臨床應用Determination of DNA contents in epithelial tumor of ovary and the clinical application
- 線粒體DNA(mtmitochondrial DNA (mtDNA)