- 納米ZSM-5沸石nano-sized ZSM-5 conditions
- 硅改性對ZSM-5沸石催化劑擇形性的影響Effect of Silicon Modification on Shape Selectivity of ZSM-5
- 鹼土和稀土金屬化合物對H-ZSM-5沸石催化劑改性的反應性能Reaction properties of H-ZSM-5 zeolite catalysts modified by alkali-earth and rare-earth metal compounds
- 納米ZSM-5nano ZSM-5
- 納米ZSM-5型分子篩的製備和性質與應用The Manufacturing, Properties and Application of the Nano ZSM-5 Type Molecular Screen
- 納米HZSM-5沸石Nanoscale HZSM-5 zeolite
- 採用XRD、FT-IR、N2吸附、動態光散射(DLS)粒度分析等方法對合成納米ZSM-11沸石的結構、粒徑、BET比表面積、孔容、孔徑等物理化學性能進行了表徵。XRD, FT-IR. N2 adsorption, dynamic light scattering (DLS) techniques were used to characterize the structure, particle size, BET surface area, pore volume, pore diameter and other physico-chemical properties of nanosized ZSM-11 zeolite.
- 實驗結果表明:催化劑活性隨著鋁含量的增大而增加,催化劑的逐步減活是由於ZSM-5沸石表面結焦所致。The catalytic activity raises with increasing the aluminum content inthe zeolite. The progressive deactivation of the catalyst is due to the coke deposition on thesurface of ZSM-5 zeolite.
- ZSM-35沸石ZSM-35 zeolite
- 不同孔結構兩親性沸石的製備及其對相界面反應的催化性能Preparation of Amphiphilic Zeolites with Various Pore Structure and Their Catalytic Performance for Phase-Boundary Reaction
- NaZSM-5沸石主體NaZSM-5 zeolite host
- 氮氣在高溫時的吸附,只能根據氮氣在沸石表面所形成的化學鍵來解釋。The adsorption of nitrogen at high temperature can only be explained on the basis of chemical bonding between nitrogen and the zeolite surface.
- MCM-22沸石的孔結構和酸分佈特性對苯與丙烯烷基化反應產物分佈的影響Effect of Pore Structure and Acidic Property of MCM-22 Zeolite on Product Distribution of Benzene Alkylation with Propylene
- 合成八面沸石synthetic faujasites
- 八面沸石faujasite
- 白鈣沸石gyrolite
- 鋇沸石edingtonite
- 白鈣鎂沸石truscottite
- 鋇鈣沸石armenite