- 納米NiCu複合金屬粉NiCu composite metal nanopowder
- 納米NiCu複合粉nano-NiCu composite powder
- 粉powder
- 層柱狀雙羥基納米複合金屬氧化物對聚氯乙烯的阻燃抑煙作用Preliminary Study of Inflaming Retarding and Smoke Suppression Function of LDHs on PVC
- 納米nanometer
- 粉底foundation make-up
- 添加金屬粉埋弧焊工藝在厚壁壓力容器製造中的應用Application of submerged arc welding with the added metal powder technology in the fabrication of the thick wall pressure container
- 雙羥基複合金屬氧化物的晶面生長選擇性及晶粒尺寸空制Selectivity of Crystal Growth Direction and Control of Particle Size in Layered Double Hydroxides
- 粉的powdery
- 粉餅puff cake
- 鋰鐵氧體表面沉積Cu-Ti複合金屬波導膜系的工藝分析研究Analysis of the Process for Plating Cu-Ti Co-metal Wave-Guide Films on Li-Ferrite Surface
- 含納米金屬粉的推進劑點火實驗及燃燒性能研究Research on the ignition and combustion properties of composite propellant containing nano metal powders
- 複合金屬箔composite metallic material
- 微米級銅銀雙金屬粉的製備及其抗氧化性能研究Preparation and Oxidation-resistant Property Research of Micron Cu-Ag Pimetallic Powder
- 鎂鐵雙羥基複合金屬氧化物的可控合成及晶面生長特徵研究Studies on Particle Size Controlled Synthesis and Selectivity of Crystal Growth Direction of MgFe Layered Double Hydroxides
- 雙金屬粉bimetallic powders
- 複合金屬型Compound metal mould
- 金屬粉芯metal powder core
- 閉合場非平衡磁控濺射離子鍍複合金屬鍍層在PCB微鑽中的應用Application of Multiple Metal Coating of Closed Field Unbalanced Magnetron Sputter Ion Plating in PCB Micro-drill
- 複合納米粉nanocomposite