- 納米LaF3塊體材料nano-LaF3 bulk material
- 納米LaF3nano LaF3
- 材料makings
- 納米LaF_3塊體材料常溫離子電導率的研究Ionic Conductivity of Nano-LaF_3 Bulk Material at Room Temperature
- 塊體納米材料Bulk nano- material
- 塊體block; bulk; mass
- 選擇合適的製備工藝條件可以得到較為理想的多孔體材料。An ideal porous material can be prepared by choice of suitable techniques of preparation.
- 崩坍塊體slump block
- 體材料Body material
- 融合性的一塊出現或發生並形成塊體的,例如皮疹中的炎症Merging or running together so as to form a mass, as sores in a rash.
- 囊體材料airship envelop materials
- 塊體法The bulk method
- 自體材料autologous substitute
- 塊體流mass flow
- 粉體材料powder material
- 斷塊體fault block
- 彈體材料jacket material
- 塊體元BEM
- 鐵素體材料ferritic materials
- 納米塊體bulk nanocrystalline