- 類M基因M-like protein gene
- 表達豬源鏈球菌類M-MRP融合蛋白基因工程菌的構建及免疫保護試驗Construction of Recombinant Strain Expressing M-like-MRP Fusion Protein of Streptococcus from Pig and Its Immonoprotection Protection Test
- 類M蛋白M-like protein
- 類M蛋白亞單位疫苗的佐劑篩選Selection of the adjuvants for preparing subunit vaccine of M-like protein
- M基因M gene
- CTX-M基因CTX-M gene
- M基因片段M gene segment
- 載脂蛋白M基因apolipoprotein M gene
- 胺類amine
- blaCTX-M基因blaCTX-M
- 靈長類Primates
- 果類fruit
- 漢坦病毒A9株M基因片段核苷酸序列的測定及分析Nucleotide sequencing and analysis of M genome segment of Hantaan virus Chinese isolate A9
- 布類mercery
- 第一類first kind
- 蔬菜類greengrocery
- 間接ELISA檢測IBV DNA疫苗免疫抗體及IBV M基因表達研究Indirect ELISA for the Detection of Specific Antibody in Chickens Immunized with DNA Vaccine and Expression of IBV M Gene in E.Coli
- 脂類FAT
- 小類subclass
- 漢坦病毒A9株M基因片段全長cDNA克隆及其在痘苗病毒中的瞬時表達Cloning and Transient Expression of M Genome Segment cDNA of Hantaan Virus Chinese Isolate A9