- 篇幅(take up or devote) space
- 冗長lengthiness
- 冗長的expatiatory
- 可將一個冗長的故事中無關緊要的部分刪去以減少篇幅。A long story can be abridged by leaving out unimportant parts
- 超過篇幅的run-over
- 他從頭至尾讀了那份冗長的報告。He read the lengthy report without a skip.
- 他發表了一篇冗長乏味的演講。He delivered a long prose.
- 限於篇幅as space is limited
- 版面計算對一個手稿在排版時所佔的篇幅的計算A calculation of the amount of space a manuscript will occupy when set into type.
- 我無法以不到50頁紙的篇幅寫出和平會談總結。I can't wrap up the peace talk in less than fifty pages.
- 冗長的辯論an interminable debate
- 篇幅甚大On a wide canvass
- 這故事冗長乏味,令人厭煩。The story is wearily tedious.
- 《時報》對洪堡的死大為震動,給他安排了兩欄的篇幅。The Times was much stirred by Humboldt's death and gave him a double column spread.
- 冗長乏味的故事a tedious story
- 這本書的大部分篇幅都是敘述性的。Narrative makes up most of the book.
- 他的演講總是脫不了冗長的毛病。His speeches were always marred by verbosity.
- 編輯們有足夠的理由增加有關婦女問題的篇幅。Editors have every reason for jacking up their women's pages.
- 他的講話緩慢而冗長。He spoke in a slow, ponderous way.