



  • - (簽名) sign; autograph:

    Please sign your name here. 請你簽個字。

    They did not dare to put their names to what they wrote. 他們不敢在寫的東西上籤他們的名。

    - (簽署意見) make brief comments on a document
    - (粗粗地縫) tack:

    tack on a cuff 把袖口簽上

  • - (竹籤) bamboo slips used for divination or drawing lots:

    draw lots 抽籤

    - (作為標誌用的小條或硬紙片) label; sticker:

    label; sticker; 標籤

    air mail sticker; 航空郵簽

    - (有尖的小細棍) a slender pointed piece of bamboo or wood:

    tooth pick 牙籤



  1. 他們表示有簽訂合同的意願。
    They showed a disposition to sign the contract.
  2. 政府已與莫斯科簽了一項條約。
    The Government has signed a treaty with Moscow.
  3. 經過簽字的發票表示貨物已經收到。
    A signed invoice presumes receipt of the shipment.
  4. 該足球隊已簽約聘用了兩名新隊員。
    The football team has signed two new players.
  5. 他們簽署了協議與附件。
    They signed the agreement and the documents appended thereto.
  6. 他用欺騙手段說服她在文件上簽字。
    He persuaded her to sign the document by guile.
  7. 這項協議的簽訂將有助於緩和國際緊張局勢。
    The signing of this agreement will help to reduce international tension.
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