



  • - (鳥獸、昆蟲住處) nest:

    kennel; doghouse; 狗窩

    hencoop; roost; 雞窩

    - (比喻壞人聚居處) den; lair; nest:

    bandits' lair [nest]; 土匪窩

    gambling den 賭窩

    - (比喻人體或物體所佔的位置) place:

    move to other place; 挪窩兒

    not budge an inch 不動窩

    - (凹進處) pit; hollow:

    dimple; 酒窩

    armpit; 夾肢窩

  • - (窩藏) harbour; shelter:

    harbour a bandit; 窩匪

    keep a prostitute 窩娼

    - (鬱積不得發作或發揮) hold in [back]; suppress; check:

    prevent wind from passing through; 窩風

    choke with anger; pent-up rage 窩火

    - (使彎或曲折) bend; flex:

    bend the twig into a circle 把樹枝窩個圓圈

  • - (用於動物) brood; litter:

    a brood of chickens; 一窩小雞

    a litter of little cats 一窩小貓



  1. 我們那條母狗應能生一窩很好的小狗。我們讓約翰的狗給她配了種。
    Our bitch should produce a fine litter. We mated her with John's dog.
  2. 我們家的貓一窩養了4隻小貓。
    Our cat has a litter of four kittens.
  3. 警察跟蹤小偷,直到他們的老窩。
    The police tracked the thieves to their den.
  4. 一達到適當的年齡,孩子們就被鼓勵,而不是被強迫,"離開老窩" 。
    Upon reaching an appropriate age, children are encouraged, but not forced, to "leave the nest".
  5. 【諺】金窩銀窩,不如自己的草窩。
    Every bird likes its own nest the best.
  6. 燕子在我們的屋檐下壘了一個窩。
    The swallow has made a nest under our eaves.


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