- 神經粘附分子CHL1neural adhesion molecule CHL1
- 粘附分子CD29adhesion molecular CD29
- 依賴於糖基化的細胞粘著分子,糖基化依賴性細胞粘附分子glycosylation dependent cell adhesion molecule(GlyCAM)
- 胞間粘附分子1Intercellular adhesion molecule - 1
- 粘附分子在冠心病患者血清中的表達及AT_1受體拮抗劑的干預研究The Expression of Adhesion Molecules in Serum of Patients with CHD and Intervention Study with AT_1 Receptor Antagonists
- 粘附分子CD44Adhesion molecule CD44
- 粘附分子CD11bAdhesive molecule CD11b
- 紐胞粘附分子Cell adhesion molecules
- 胞間粘附分子-1intercellular adhesion molecule-1
- 細胞聞粘附分子inter-cellular adhesion molecules
- 血管內粘附分子Adhesion molecule into blood vessel
- 血管間粘附分子-1VCAM- 1
- 血管細胞粘附分子1Vascular Cell Adhesion Molecule-l
- 細胞間粘附分子-lintercellular adhesion molecule-1
- 復方丹參注射液對急性水腫型胰腺炎患者可溶性粘附分子水平的影響Effect of Danshen injection on soluble adhesion molecules in acute edematous pancreatitis
- 氨力農及抑肽酶對瓣膜置換術患者圍術期白細胞粘附分子表達的影響Randomized Controlled Trial for the Effect of Amrinone and Aprotinin on Expression Leukocyte Adhesion Molecule in Patients with Prosthetic Valve Replacement During Perioperative Period
- 胞間粘附分子1/分析intercellular adhesion molecule 1/AN
- 胞間粘附分子1/血液intercellular adhesion molecule-1/BL
- 淋巴細胞粘附分子信號圖Adhesion and Diapedesis of Lymphocytes Adhesion and Diapedesis of Granulocytes
- 神經細胞粘附分子與硫酸化氨基聚糖在神經發育、軸突生長、突觸可塑性及學習和記憶中的作用Effects of neural cell adhesion molecule and sulfated polysaccharides on the processes of neural development, neurite outgrowth, synaptic plasticity, learning and memory