- 石化企業實施DSM經驗Experience of Implementing DSM in Yangzi Petrochemical Company
- 【諺】要取得經驗,須付出代價。Experience must be bought.
- (企業集團的)鬆散層loose level (of an enterprise group)
- 【諺】經驗是良師。Experience is the best teacher.
- 實施企業多品種優化生產經營策略Execute a Tactics both for Production and Optimization of Multi Items in Enterprises' Operation
- 《中華人民共和國國務院關於管理外國企業常駐代表機構的暫行規定》Interim Provisions of the State Council of the People's Republic of China for the Control of Resident Representative Offices of Foreign Enterprises
- 胎兒石化,石胎osteopedion
- "他雖然是個工程師,但他主要是受聘管理一家大企業。""Although he's an engineer, he's principally employed in controlling a large business."
- 執行機構,實施機構implementing agency
- 【諺】經驗是智慧之父。Experience is the father of wisdom.
- (在一企業開創時)加入其中Join an enterprise at its beginning
- 工程實施總體戰略whole strategy to put the project into practice
- 成敗經驗Success-failure experience
- 成功實施績效管理。The human element in performance management systems.
- 企業服務enterprises service
- 經驗介紹experience introduction
- 中華人民共和國專利法實施細則Implementing Regulations of the Patent Law of the People's Republic of China
- 《中華人民共和國中外合資經營企業法》The Law of the People's Republic of China on Chinese-Foreign Joint Ventures
- 臨場經驗game experience
- 冶金焦炭新標準的實施與討論Execution and Discussion on New Standard for Metallurgical Coke