- 知其一,不知其二
- 但知其一,不知其二be aware of one aspect but ignorant of the other
- 其its
- 只知其一,不知其二
- 她把她的心交給了一位不知其價值的人。She gave her heart to one who could not know its worth.
- 燒陶器時,爐內防止火焰直接與之接觸的隔焰窯或其一部分a kiln or part of a kiln in which pottery can be fired without being exposed to direct flame
- 對於下中國象棋,你就只知其一,不知其二了。Regarding Chinese Chess, you just have a one-sided view.
- 他得在放棄工作和放棄原則二者中擇其一。他選擇了前者。He had to choose between giving up his job and giving up his principles. He chose the former.
- 他說他發現自己的生活微不足道,因此很自豪地將其一棄了之。He says he finds his life of little account and is proud to cast it away.
- 他被認為是:說話多多而不知其所云的、最雅緻的演說家。He is considered the most graceful speaker who can say nothing in most words.
- 一片光明,關鍵是你們要找到你們身邊的英雄,然後與其一同發展。Bright future! The key is that you should find the heroes around you and develop with them together.
- 玩世不恭者,是只知一切事物的價錢而不知其價值的人。A cynic is a man who knows the price of everything and the value of nothing.
- 行政長官在其一任任期內只能解散立法會一次。The Chief Executive may dissolve the Legislative Council only once in each term of his or her office.
- 【諺】視其友,知其人。A man is known by his friends.
- 神經切除神經或其一部分的外科節除手術Surgical removal of a nerve or part of a nerve.
- [諺]從其交友知其為人。A man is known by the company he keeps.
- 你或贊成或反對這個計劃,必須二者擇其一。You must be either for or against the plan .
- 知其然,還要知其所以然--關於附中鋼琴專業教與學的思考Not only knowing the result, but also the reason -- Some Thoughts on Piano Major Teaching in Music Middle Schools
- 日本的鋼出口量增加1.4倍,使其一躍成為遠遠超過其他國家的最大鋼出口國。Japan's exports of steel grew 1.4-fold, making it the largest exporter by a considerable margin.
- 【諺】觀其待人而知其人。Manners make the man.