- 它意味著一個民族家園,「民族」就是說我們應該能在巴勒斯坦作為一個民族生存,「家園」就是說我們可以作為自由人生活而不必像在所有其他地方那樣寄人籬下,看人臉色生活。It meant a National Home, "national" meaning that we should be able to live like a nation in Palestine, and "Home" a place where we might live as free men in contradistinction to living on sufferance everywhere else.
- 天氣冰冷,足以凍得人臉色發紫。It was icy cold-enough to turn you blue in the face.
- 觀人臉色read a person's face
- 不看turnaway
- 勿以其人的服裝來看人,應以其太太的服裝;來看其人。Judge a man not by his clothes,but by his wife's clothes.
- 請看vide
- 盯著看人不禮貌。It's rude to stare at people.
- 他看人很有眼力。He's good at sizing people up.
- 不擅看人的人a poor judge of character
- 我自信我看人很有眼光。I flatter myself that I'm an excellent judge of people.
- 狗眼看人低act like a snob
- 斜眼看人look askance at sb.; look askew at sb.
- 這樣浪費,真叫人看了心疼。It makes one's heart ache to see such waste.
- 別狗眼看人低?Do I look like a fool? Who do you think I am? What kind of a fool do you take me for?
- 狗眼看人低。Dog eye see people low.
- 斜著眼看人cast sidelong glances at sb.; look sideways at sb.
- 瞪著眼睛看人是不禮貌的。It isn't good manners to stare at people.
- 我看人很准。I have a good eye for character.
- 站點:貓眼看人In the eyes of a cat
- 她看人看得很准。She is a shrewd judge of character.