- 她畏縮不敢認罪。She shrank from admitting her guilt.
- 全選check all
- 不全insufficiency
- 在敵人面前,膽小鬼們總是畏縮不。Cowards always quail before the enemy.
- 27歲的朗黛絲說,儘管她每周去理療一次,她今年過的大半日子「像個四肢不全的廢人。」Launders, 27, said she has spent most of the year "like a basket case" despite seeing a therapist once a week.
- 不全的paartial
- 發育不全,成形不全由不完全發育而導致的某器官或組織的全部或部分缺失Defective development resulting in the absence of all or part of an organ or tissue.
- 發育不全hypoplasia
- 五音不全tone-deaf
- 前列腺囊前列腺的一個小的發育不全的囊A small vestigial blind pouch of the prostate gland.
- 不全是。去年這時候更涼快些。看來你不住在附近,是嗎?Not really. Last year it was much cooler. You're not from around here, then?
- 真正了不起的是它克服四肢不全的方法。The remarkable thing was the way he compensated for his missing appendage.
- 肺膨脹不全一種先天性疾病,特徵為出生時肺部不完全膨脹A congenital condition characterized by the incomplete expansion of the lungs at birth.
- 弗蘭切斯凱蒂-克[萊因]二氏綜合征,頜面骨發育不全綜合征Franceschetti-Klein syndrome
- 我們的技術水平還不高,技術種類也還不全。Our technological level is not high and the categories of technologies are incomplete.
- 手術前肺功能不全成為一關鍵問題。Preoperative pulmonary insufficiency represents a critical problem.
- 法律不全是由一個長官制定出來的。Laws don't all come from the same quarter.
- Addison病/綜合征,腎上腺皮質機能減退,慢性腎上腺皮質機能不全Addison's disease/syndrome
- 從圖書館借來的書不全是科學幻想小說。Every book borrowed from the library was not science fiction .
- 醫生說戰爭傷亡中四肢不全的為數不少。The doctor said there were a lot of basket cases among the war casualties.