- 用ECG行心血管監測Cardiovascular monitoring by ECG
- 用ECG監測心排血量Monitoring of cardiac output by ECG
- 以踏旋器行心血管應激試驗Cardiovascular stress test using treadmill
- 心血管監測Cardiovascular monitoring
- 不用need not
- 沒用useless
- 在行be expert at
- 不用謝You're welcome
- 用來be used for
- 不可行infeasible
- 再用reoccupy
- 直行rectigrade
- 領用receive; get
- 行好act charitably; be merciful; be charitable
- 沒用的trashy
- 踐行practice
- 代行function in an acting capacity of
- 中用useful
- 不用的unused
- 哎,多練習就行了。Oh, that comes with practice.